Healing myofascial massage


60 min - 110 lv.

90 min - 140 lv.


Healing myofascial massage (trigger points)
Myofascial pain syndrome is associated with muscle pain and inflammation in the soft tissues of the body. The chronic condition affects the fascia - the connective tissue casing of the muscles.
The pain can affect one muscle or an entire muscle group. Causes of the condition can be as a result of trauma, overwork, the intervertebral disc injury, a state of fatigue and exhaustion.
The main symptom is momentary or prolonged pain in the muscles, in areas such as the lower back, neck, shoulders and chest.
Myofascial pain syndrome may be associated with other problems, such as headache, strain, depression, sleep disturbance, and fatigue.
Characteristic of this condition is that areas of increased strain are formed in the muscles, which are called trigger points. It is the precise and proper treatment of these places that leads to relaxation and pain reducing.
Contraindications - skin diseases in the field of manipulation, acute infectious diseases or chronic exacerbations, cardiovascular disorders, cancer, blood clotting disorders, pregnancy, and lactation.




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