With great care and attitude towards pregnant women we have developed a special therapy that focuses on the specific needs of the expectant mother and has a beneficial effect on the body on a physical and emotional level.
Pregnancy is undoubtedly one of the most exciting periods in a woman's life. In anticipation of her priceless treasure, the expectant mother experiences many emotions, thrills, and along with the positive moments, the body of a pregnant woman suffers serious physical and emotional changes, often accompanied by significant discomfort. The shifted center of gravity leads to an increased load on the spinal column and weakening of the abdominal muscles due to the stretching that needs to take place in this area. Quite often these changes
As a result of "Light Pregnancy" therapy, back pain, hip joints, swelling of the legs, anxiety and fatigue, tone of the back muscles and reduction of tension, both mentally and physically, are reduced.
What is the procedure like?
All positions that are occupied during the procedure are fully consistent with the physiological condition of the woman and aim at maximum safe and comfortable work. Abdominal position work is not applied. The starting positions are side lying, back lying and sitting. The impact is concentrated on the busiest areas, namely the neck, back, lumbar area.
Before proceeding with the procedure, it is mandatory to obtain approval from the obstetrician-gynecologist who manages and monitors your pregnancy.
– Процедурата не се извършва през първи триместър от бременността
– Хипертония съпровождаща бременността
– Инфекциозно заболяване – настинка, грип и др.
– Обостряне на хронични заболявания
– Остри болки в гърба
– Повишена телесна температура
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